
French Immersion students in Opelousas love Science!


LPFI is dedicated to beginning, maintaining, and supporting French Immersion opportunities state-wide. We work across schools, districts, and communities to promote and protect French Immersion and coordinate with Francophile politicians on the behalf of students, families, and schools.

Immersion education builds strong communities and inspires students to explore new opportunities to spread the language and actively foster cultural understanding and appreciation.


LPFI is made up of parents, grand parents, teachers, administrators, district personnel, CODOFIL (the counsel for the development of French in Louisiana), and community members who are committed to working together to provide quality French Immersion education throughout the state of Louisiana.

Immersion begins as early as Pre’K but the benefits last a lifetime!


  • World Languages Certified schools are awarded a 5% boost on School Improvement Scores

  • Bi-Literacy Diploma endorsements for French Immersion students

  • Working with parish professionals and parents to intervene with school boards in defense of French immersion.